First Diamonds Academy Christmas Party is behind us!
It was an amazing and unforgettable evening that will be memorized forever!
Whole Diamonds Family met in a beautiful Christmas atmosphere .
During an official part we recalled all most important events of the past year, our successes and achievements.
There was also a time for awards ceremony. ThePrize – Diamonds of the year 2016 was awarded to one player in each age category in certain training venue.
Diamonds of the yeat is a soccer player that is a player role model that is showing a great engagement on the field and outside of it.
Diamonds of the year 2016 U8 :
Mokotów – Olga
Konstancin – Klara
Wawer – Zosia
Diamonds of the year 2016 U10:
Mokotów – Zosia
Konstancin – Kate
Wawer – Maja, Kasia i Amelka
Diamonds of the year 2016 U12:
Mokotów: Ola
Wawer: Matylda
Diamonds of the year 2016 U13:
Konstancin: Julka
Diamonds of the year 2016 U14:
Konstancin: Ola
During a party there was also a time for fun integration games for whole families.
We carried out a competition on the Diamonds Academy knowledge – Diamondsiada and the game for the Diamonds sisters that made everyone laugh.
After the official part of a Party there was a time for chats, listening Christmas songs and tasting sweets.
Thanks to all our fantastic Players and their fantastic Parents for spending this evening with us and for the help in organizing the Party.
We hope that the Christmas Diamonds Party will become a tradition of our Club!