PAP Piastowska Akademia Piłkarska organized a soccer tournament for girls born in 2004 and younger. Four teams took part in the games that is why the tournament was played in a eleagues system – everyone with everyone + return matches.
Diamonds Academy has challenged on the field 3 other teams: Piastovia Piastów, Mazovia Grodzisk and SP Ursus. In the first phase of league games we had two 0-0 draws with Piastovia and SP Ursus. Unfortunately, after several mistakes in our defence we lost the last match with Mazovia. When return maches came our players did much more better – they won all the return matches which finally gave them 2nd spot in a whole tournament.
Natalia from Diamonds was chosen the best goalie! Bravo Nati!
Congratulations to all the players. Thank you for your devotion and engagement!